Wednesday, November 26, 2008

No School YAY!!!

Tommorow is Thanksgiving . There will be no school
starting 11/27-11/28. School will proceed on December 1st.
Make sure you comment to tell us what you did during
Thanksgiving. Make sure you give thanks for the teachers
at Markham Middle school. We hope to see you soon!!



Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Game Night

Every thursday night game night is on in the
Watts Branch Public Library. So lets have fun
come and play with us!! It is open to public
from 4 to 5 pm .


Are you interested in taking the PSAT? If you are
interested in taking the SAT practice test come sign
up in Los Angele Public Library Watts Branch. The
test will take place January 3rd for FREE!! Come
sign up before all spots are taken.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Book Review : Tiger Eyes

The book i have just now finished reading is called tiger eyes it is fiction.

This book is interesting it helps you connect to what the girl is saying it is so interesting once you've start reading it you wont want to put it down.

The problemwas that her dad was shot and died so they go to los alamos to settle down for a while then they finally feel calm and go back to atlantic city.This story helps you understand that if you are going thruogh something you need to face the facts and realize why it happened and try to move on with your life.

The part i liked most about the book was when she went out with her new friends and her friends got drunk so she was mad at them and told them that she had a drinking problem and they disagree and think they can stop when they want at the end they do use her help to stop.

I sort of do and dont like the way the story ended.I did because they finally confront their problem and go back home but i think the end was alittle too simple.I encourage any young adults to read this book it is full of drama and will keep ou reading!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A new president for our United States-Tatiana

Welcome OBAMA to the US presidency. We really look forward to seeing some changes in the U.S. I am so happy that my dream came true of having an African American president. I would always talk to my mom about having a black president. She would always tell me maybe some day we will have a black president and he will change something things that needed to be changed in the US. And look what happened we got our first African American president when I heard that OBAMA won I was so,so happy I ran outside yelling OBAMA. Now I know dreams really can come true because my dream came true so anybody dreams can come true and I also know that OBAMA's BIG DREAM was to become president one day and his dream finally came TRUE.

Obama Elected as President of these United States!

A great man was elected to office.


After this experience and new change to the U.S. we now know that dreams can be reached . No matter what race you are you can now tell all your kids that they to can some day be president of the U.S.A...